Bye Bye TIFF

Dylan and Samantha looking awesome
Dylan and Samantha looking awesome. Source: Samantha Espie Photos Page

After 3 sold out screenings, minimal sleep, and countless free drinks, TIFF 2015 has come to a end. What a fun ride. We couldn’t have asked for a better reception and audience. Thank you to everybody who came out to the screenings, who spread the word through social media, or who took the time to review the film. As a low budget no name film we managed to get some great exposure, whether it was on TV, radio or print.

The festival brought a lot of great things. We made some new friends, got to attend some great events, and are in the midst of signing with an International Sales agent who will hopefully sell the film worldwide. The film won’t be playing in Toronto anytime soon, but when it does we will let you know. We’re setting our sights on our International Premiere. Always looking for a reason to travel.

Looking for the Rainbow #5 from Made By Other People on Vimeo.

Looking for the Rainbow #5

The final installment of our Looking for the Rainbow campaign. Eugene’s search comes to an end.

End of the Rainbow

This was part of our marketing campaign. I’d say it was a success. I received numerous phone calls. Some funny, some serious, and some just fucking weird.


Here’s some press I forgot to include earlier. Check it out!

CBC News

Live At Noon CP24

Canadian Press: Making Size Matter

Next Projection

The Film Corner

Sean Kelly on Movies

Stay tuned for more exciting news!